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Fonte: CIPL

GDPR One Year In: Practitioners Take Stock of the Benefits and Challenges
The run up to 25 May 2018 was for organisations in the EU and many around the globe a race to GDPR compliance. Both large and small organisations, including those with existing and mature data protection programs in place, have invested significant time and resources to make unprecedented organisational and system changes in anticipation of the new data protection regime.

With such great investment comes great expectation that organisations will not only achieve compliance and avoid high, GDPR fines and sanctions and potential reputational damage, but that they will garner the positive impacts associated with responsible data management and a more harmonised and consistent EU data protection framework. In this report, the Centre for Information Policy Leadership (CIPL)1
seeks to outline the positive impacts and benefits organisations have experienced as a result of their GDPR compliance efforts. We also describe the challenges and unfulfilled promises of the GDPR, where organisations feel the Regulation has not lived up to its objectives and has presented practical difficulties, despite their dedication to implementing the new requirements.

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