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Fonte: The Guardian

Sweeping new European data protection regulations may have the accidental effect of protecting scammers and spammers by killing the WHOIS system used to link misdeeds online to real identities offline, security experts have warned.

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which comes into effect in May, contains a raft of measures intended to strengthen data protection for Europeans.But some of the new rights and responsibilities will conflict with decades-old technologies that have provided much-needed transparency on the internet, says Raj Samani, the chief scientist at cybersecurity firm McAfee.

The WHOIS protocol allows anyone to look up the contact details for the owner of a domain name, such as theguardian.com, google.com or parliament.uk. First standardised in the 1980s, it has become a key part of the toolkit for anyone trying to trace online wrongdoing back to its roots- a digital equivalent of Companies House or the Land Registry, Samani says.

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