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Geral Notícias

Europe’s sweeping privacy rule was supposed to change the internet, but so far it’s mostly created frustration for users, companies, and regulators

Fonte: CNBC The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation was celebrated as a revolution in how internet privacy could be legislated. It was a reaction […]

Geral Notícias

The Spanish Data Protection Agency has published a list of processing operations for which a privacy impact assessment is mandatory

Fonte: Bird&Bird After having received the favorable opinion of the European Data Protection Board, the Spanish Data Protection Agency (“AEPD”) released last 6th May a […]

Geral LGPD Notícias

Aprovado o relatório final da comissão mista da MP 869/18: Como fica a LGPD?

A Comissão Mista (Câmara dos Deputados e Senado Federal) presidida pelo Senador Eduardo Gomes (SE- Solidariedade) e relatada pelo Deputado Federal Orlando Silva (PCdoB-SP) da […]

Waldemir Barreto/Agência Senado
Geral LGPD Notícias

Comissão aprova MP que cria órgão para proteção de dados

Fonte: Senado Notícias A comissão mista que analisa a Medida Provisória (MP) 869/2018 aprovou nesta terça-feira (7) o relatório do deputado Orlando Silva (PCdoB-SP). O texto altera […]

Geral Notícias

Europe’s sweeping privacy rule was supposed to change the internet, but so far it’s mostly created frustration for users, companies, and regulators

Fonte: CNBC The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation was celebrated as a revolution in how internet privacy could be legislated. It was a reaction […]

Geral Notícias

Why California’s privacy law won’t hurt Facebook or Google in wired.

Fonte: Wired CALIFORNIA, THAT INNOVATIVE economic juggernaut that so often takes the regulatory lead on matters such as automobile emissions, is once again establishing the […]

Geral Notícias

California Passes Groundbreaking Consumer Data Privacy Law With Fines for Violations

Fonte: Fortune California has passed a sweeping privacy law that gives consumers the right to demand that their data be deleted and to bar companies […]

Geral Legislação Notícias

GDPR matchup: The California Consumer Privacy Act 2018

Fonte: IAPP In this Privacy Tracker series, we look at laws from across the globe and match them up against the EU General Data Protection Regulation. […]

Geral Notícias

The Unlikely Activists Who Took On Silicon Valley — and Won

Fonte: NY Times Mining personal data has become a trillion-dollar business — which is why activists are pushing laws to curb the practice, and why […]

Geral Notícias

Présentation du Rapport d’activité 2018 et des enjeux 2019 de la CNIL

Fonte: CNIL L’entrée en application du RGPD a marqué une prise de conscience inédite des enjeux de protection des données auprès des professionnels et des […]