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Al. Joaquim Eugênio de Lima, 680 - 1º andar - Jardim Paulista, São Paulo - SP

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Fonte: IAPP

There is no business trend quite like data privacy. It is not just the speed with which it has risen to become a board-level concern, nor its near total reach as it impacts governments, businesses, customers and even wider consumers. Other business trends can say the same, including cloud computing.

What sets data privacy apart is that no other trend generates quite the same volume of popular and professional interest, inspiration, and at times, indignation.

Much of this reaction comes from the speed with which it is spreading and evolving. The data privacy movement is rapidly reaching more and more countries, industries and legislative bodies, until its hold will eventually be total. But until it is, and the same rules, rights and obligations are engrained into every manifestation of data privacy, it remains an incredibly fluid and confusing area, as we all know.

To help, we have built a Periodic Table of Data Privacy. It is designed to collate and categorize the 118 most critical “elements” of data privacy and present them in an easily digestible format.

It is an ongoing project. As the privacy world changes under our feet, we will reassess the table and update it, removing and replacing elements as appropriate.

It is also a controversial project. With space for only 118 elements, we have had to make tough decisions, simplifying some areas and even excluding some elements in favor of others. Crucially, we have tried to ignore the effects of media hype and not let the project become too GDPR-centric.

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