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Fonte: ITProPortal

Negligence and mistakes responsible for most of last year’s self-reported data breaches.

New research from the security firm Kroll has revealed that self-reported data breaches are seven times more likely to be caused by human error than by hackers.

The firm filed a Freedom of Information request to obtain data on self-reported incidents from organisations to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) to learn that 2,124 incidents reported in 2017-2018 could be traced back to employee mistakes or incompetence.

According to the data provided by the ICO, there were 3,156 self-reported data breaches last year which is up by 28 per cent from the previous year and up 19.3 per cent from 2015-2016.

The higher number of self-reported data breaches is likely a result of employees having a better understanding of what constitutes a breach combined with the fact that under GDPR, organisations are required to report serious data breaches.

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