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Geral Notícias

2019 Trustwave Global Security Report

Fonte: Trustwave One of our favorite things about publishing the Trustwave Global Security Report each year is that it, at heart, a crime story much like […]

Geral Notícias

99 lança reconhecimento facial para 100% dos motoristas

Fonte: Tiinside Online 99 realiza o procedimento através de uma parceria com o Denatran (Departamento Nacional de Trânsito), validando automaticamente a imagem coletada durante o […]

Geral Notícias

Autoridades de Proteção de Dados na América Latina

A presente pesquisa teve por objetivo identificar e avaliar modelos institucionais existentes de Autoridades de proteção de dados pessoais na América Latina, especificamente na Argentina, […]

Geral Notícias

ICO launches the ‘Be Data Aware’ campaign

Fonte: GDPR Report The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) is launching the ‘Be Data Aware’ campaign to help the general public understand how organisations use their […]

Geral Notícias

Europe’s sweeping privacy rule was supposed to change the internet, but so far it’s mostly created frustration for users, companies, and regulators

Fonte: CNBC The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation was celebrated as a revolution in how internet privacy could be legislated. It was a reaction […]

Geral Notícias

The Spanish Data Protection Agency has published a list of processing operations for which a privacy impact assessment is mandatory

Fonte: Bird&Bird After having received the favorable opinion of the European Data Protection Board, the Spanish Data Protection Agency (“AEPD”) released last 6th May a […]

Geral LGPD Notícias

Aprovado o relatório final da comissão mista da MP 869/18: Como fica a LGPD?

A Comissão Mista (Câmara dos Deputados e Senado Federal) presidida pelo Senador Eduardo Gomes (SE- Solidariedade) e relatada pelo Deputado Federal Orlando Silva (PCdoB-SP) da […]

Waldemir Barreto/Agência Senado
Geral LGPD Notícias

Comissão aprova MP que cria órgão para proteção de dados

Fonte: Senado Notícias A comissão mista que analisa a Medida Provisória (MP) 869/2018 aprovou nesta terça-feira (7) o relatório do deputado Orlando Silva (PCdoB-SP). O texto altera […]

Geral Notícias

Europe’s sweeping privacy rule was supposed to change the internet, but so far it’s mostly created frustration for users, companies, and regulators

Fonte: CNBC The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation was celebrated as a revolution in how internet privacy could be legislated. It was a reaction […]

Geral Notícias

Why California’s privacy law won’t hurt Facebook or Google in wired.

Fonte: Wired CALIFORNIA, THAT INNOVATIVE economic juggernaut that so often takes the regulatory lead on matters such as automobile emissions, is once again establishing the […]